ZL520 Automatic frozen food weighing filling bag forming packaging machine

This machine unit including one set ZL14-2.5l multi head weighing machine ,one set ZL720 vertical bag forming filling machine. One set incline belt conveyor .one set Platform and safety ladder and one set output conveyor .The whole machine can automatic make the bag ,weighing the product ,filling the product into bag and sealing the bag .Widely use for automatic packing various frozen food like meat ball,dumplings,vegetables,Chicken piece,shrimp and so on .

Sistem transportasi film lan gerakan Jaw horisontal sing dipandu dening Panasonic
Ngowahi cepet tabung lan iker-iker ras kanthi ngeculake braket
Optoelectronics ndeteksi posisi film ing kerah kanggo mbenerake trek film
Sensor foto listrik inducting kode werna kanggo ngontrol dawa tas
Struktur penguncian Film-Reel Pneumatic unik kanggo ngindhari gambar film
Pengaturan suhu independen
Pengaturan suhu independen