Produk Utama

Automatic bulk powder product weighing filling bagging conveying and palletizing line

Automatic bulk powder product weighing filling bagging conveying and palletizing line

1,General principles of production line This line is special design for automatic weighing the…

Automatic 25kg salt tablets open mouth bag wieghing filling bagging machine

Automatic 25kg salt tablets open mouth bag wieghing filling bagging machine

1,Introduction : This line is special design for automatic feeding the bulk…

Mesin kantong gula otomatis 25kg

Mesin kantong gula otomatis 25kg

ZL25K-A Unit mesin kemasan bagging otomatis Pambuka: Mesin pengepakan iki…

Kantong bata otomatis kanthi label ndhuwur kanggo mesin kemasan glepung gandum 1kg

Kantong bata otomatis kanthi label ndhuwur kanggo mesin kemasan glepung gandum 1kg

Pambuka: Mesin iki minangka desain khusus kanggo ngemas produk granule menyang…

ZL100V2 Kantong vakum bata otomatis mbentuk mesin kemasan ngisi

ZL100V2 Kantong vakum bata otomatis mbentuk mesin kemasan ngisi

Pambuka: Mesin iki kalebu siji set lift vakum, siji set tas vertikal ZL520…

Kantong ngisor blok otomatis kanthi mesin kemasan label ndhuwur

Kantong ngisor blok otomatis kanthi mesin kemasan label ndhuwur

ZL520 tas otomatis mbentuk sealing ngisi lan mesin label ndhuwur Pambuka:…


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Babagan awake dhewe

IAPACK - What We Do

IAPACK - What We Do

Anhui Iapack machinery minangka produsen utama mesin kemasan lan jalur produksi kemasan sing beda ing China .Kanthi pengalaman luwih saka sepuluh taun .Kita wis nawakake akeh solusi kemasan kanggo klien sing beda saka pasar domestik lan pasar luar negeri. Kita bisa nawakake garis lengkap lan peralatan kemasan kanggo macem-macem industri kayata panganan, minuman, farmasi, nutraceutical, kimia, biologi lan perawatan pribadi kanggo barang padhet, cairan, bubuk, lan campuran. pangguna.…

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Produk paling anyar

Semi-automatic weighing filling machine

Semi-automatic weighing filling machine

Introduction : This linear weight is dosing system for Free Flow Powders .Such as Detergent, Sugar, Salt, Spices,  various sorts of powders, etc. Also it is suitable for dosing granule products such as Coffee beans, Rice, Sesame Seeds, and Small Granules etc. Dry & Processed Foods: Snack foods, Cereal &…

Maca liyane
Automatic bulk powder product weighing filling bagging conveying and palletizing line

Automatic bulk powder product weighing filling bagging conveying and palletizing line

1,General principles of production line This line is special design for automatic weighing the bulk powder filling bagging in to 15-25kg karft paper bag then sealing the bag .According the client requirement we also need offer the automatic weight check ,metal detector and palletizing .The seller completed the design, manufacturing and supply of the production…

Maca liyane
ZL25K-900A Mesin bagging produk granule semi-otomatis

ZL25K-900A Mesin bagging produk granule semi-otomatis

ZL25K-SF Mesin bagging produk granule semi-otomatis Aplikasi: Bagging manual lan unit kemasan sealing otomatis kanggo partikel plastik, beras lan industri liyane. Proses kerja : 01 Proses ngebotake, mbukak tas, nglereni, jahitan lan proses liyane kanthi otomatis; 02 Adaptasi karo macem-macem spesifikasi kemasan lan formula, lan bisa…

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